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Tennant 550 Electric Rider Scrubber - MM149 Electric Motor Parts 

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Tennant 550 Electric Rider Scrubber - MM149 Electric Motor Parts
# Image Product code Product name

067VS-03463 MOTOR; | 16450 REPLACED BY 03463 | SN: 001330 - 001407

067VS-03462 MOTOR, ELE, 72VDC 3125RPM 7.70HP | SN: 001408 -

067VS-00935 KEY, SQ, 0.25 X 0.25, 1.75L | SN: 001330 -

067VS-SK2612 SHEAVE KIT, F/75374 & 75391 | SN: 001330 - 004299

067VS-391801 SHEAVE, 01GRV, 11.5PD 1.12B [6NU] | SN: 004300 -

067VS-39332 SCREW, SET, SOC, .25-20 X 0.75, AL | SN: 001330 -

067VS-02076 BOOT, 90DEG .50ID .57ID X .84ID 1.0L,BLK | SN: 001330 -

067VS-none BRACKET WLDT, MTG, MOTOR | | 03464 | SN: 001408 - xxxxxx


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