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Tennant E5 Portable Carpet Extractor (S/N 10000000 - 20000000) 9006286 Recommended Maintenance Items 

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Tennant E5 Portable Carpet Extractor (S/N 10000000 - 20000000) 9006286 Recommended Maintenance Items
# Image Product code Product name

067VS-1044370 BALL FLOAT W/O CAGE | SN: 10000000 - 20000000 (NOT NUMBERED ABOVE)

067VS-1028954 BRUSH SCB 15L 06SR NYL [CRISS-CROSS] | SN: 10000000 - 20000000 (NOT NUMBERED ABOVE)

067VS-1074694 FILTER TUBE SOLTN 200MESH | SN: 10000000 - 20000000 (NOT NUMBERED ABOVE)

067VS-1052876 GASKET TANK | SN: 10000000 - 20000000 (NOT NUMBERED ABOVE)

067VS-1036090 SEAL VACUUM | SN: 10000000 - 20000000 (NOT NUMBERED ABOVE)

067VS-1039073 WHEEL ASSY 8.0D 2.0W 0.5B W/BRG | SN: 10000000 - 20000000 (NOT NUMBERED ABOVE)

067VS-1014918 WHEEL 03.0D 0.88W 0.31B W/ BSHG RBR | SN: 10000000 - 20000000 (NOT NUMBERED ABOVE)


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