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Tennant R3 Carpet Cleaner (S/N 10000000-20000000) Roller Tool Group Parts 

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Tennant R3 Carpet Cleaner (S/N 10000000-20000000) Roller Tool Group Parts
# Image Product code Product name

067VS-49826 SCREW, HEX, M8 X 1.25 X 16, NL, SS (FROM S/N 10000000 TO S/N 20000000)

067VS-1040254 FITTING, BRS, STR, BM04/PF02 (FROM S/N 10000000 TO S/N 20000000)

067VS-1054838 COVER, TOOL, STR ROLL VACUUM, 380MM (FROM S/N 10000000 TO S/N 20000000)

067VS-1037380 NOZZLE, FLUSH, READYSPACE (FROM S/N 10000000 TO S/N 20000000)

067VS-1034819 GASKET, TOOL , COVER (FROM S/N 10000000 TO S/N 20000000)

067VS-9004284 COVER KIT, TOOL, W/ HARDWARE (FROM S/N 10000000 TO S/N 20000000)


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