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Tennant 1610 Dual Technology Carpet Cleaner (S/N 10339653-Present) Kit, Solution Switch (SN 00000000-10243220) Parts 

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Tennant 1610 Dual Technology Carpet Cleaner (S/N 10339653-Present) Kit, Solution Switch (SN 00000000-10243220) Parts
# Image Product code Product name

067VS-1025060 WIRE, 18GA 25.0L WHITE .25QF /.25QF (FROM S/N 00000000 TO S/N 10243220)

067VS-1025073 WIRE, 18GA 21.0L BROWN .25QF /.25QM (FROM S/N 00000000 TO S/N 10243220)

067VS-9001593 SWITCH KIT, SOLTN, ON-OFF, RETROFIT[STR] (FROM S/N 00000000 TO S/N 10243220)

067VS-1024809 PANEL, CONSOLE, RETROFIT [STR] (FROM S/N 00000000 TO S/N 10243220)

067VS-578005000 SWITCH, ROCKER, SPST (FROM S/N 00000000 TO S/N 10243220)


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